Personalized Micronutrition

Secure Payment

For all your payments, we use Stripe, a secure payment platform that is globally recognized. With Stripe, your payment data is encrypted and protected by cutting-edge security measures, ensuring the confidentiality and security of your financial information. You can make transactions worry-free: Stripe also complies with strict regulatory standards such as PCI-DSS.

As for “Link“, it’s a tool also offered by Stripe that simplifies the payment process. Link allows users to securely save their payment information for future use, making subsequent transactions faster and more convenient. Once you’ve added your payment information to Link, you can pay in just a few clicks without having to re-enter your details each time. Just like with Stripe, security is a priority with Link: your information is stored securely and protected by advanced protocols.

In any case, we do not store your payment data on the Méthode Espinasse platform.