Personalized Micronutrition

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What is Micronutrition?

Micronutrition is a natural therapy based on plants, vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, probiotics, omega 3-6-9, which are integrated into dietary supplements.

The benefits of micronutrition are recognized for their effects on your metabolism and overall health.

Micronutrition helps to compensate for deficits or increased needs in micronutrients and should be accompanied by a suitable diet.

Valérie Espinasse, a renowned micronutritionist, has formulated her first range of natural dietary supplements.

What is Personalized Micronutrition?

It involves tailoring micronutrition courses to your specific needs for the best results and health benefits.

Thanks to her expertise in personalized health, Valérie Espinasse has developed the BILAN 361 to provide you with personalized advice based on your needs: a micronutrition course and a dietary course.

What is the BILAN 361 ?

An innovative digital platform, developed from her 20 years of experience in personalized and preventive health.

It is a specific questionnaire for each need: weight, digestive, stress, sleep, fatigue, hormonal, inflammation, overall health, skin and hair, anti-aging, smoking cessation, venous insufficiency.

For health and beauty benefits.

Why 361?

3: The combination of 3 METHODE ESPINASSE products

6: For 6 months (ideally)

1: For 1 need


Take your assessment.

How does it work?

Discover all the details of the Méthode Espinasse and all the possibilities of the platform.